Dr John Farmer returns to Papua New Guinea for the first time since the pandemic

Dr John Farmer returned to PNG last week for the first time since March 2020 before Covid shut down overseas travel.
“It was great to be able to return to PNG to provide some teaching for the Ophthalmology registrars.” John said. “I had been asked to give them some training in refraction and prescribing glasses. The 4 registrars were at various levels in their training and pleased to be able to refresh their knowledge and skills in this important area. Two of them will graduate this year and move to hospitals currently without any Ophthalmology service.”
John was also able to spend time helping to provide administrative support for PNG Eye Care, a not-for-profit local organisation which he helped set up in 2008. PNG Eye Care aims to assist with glasses prescription at the Port Moresby General Hospital eye clinic and provide low-cost glasses to those who need them. John is a member of the board and the treasurer, and has been supporting via email, phone calls and zoom meetings during COVID. John said, “It was lovely to catch up in person with the 5 local staff and spend time with each of them as together they work through the challenges they face.”
This trip was 40 years since John’s first trip to PNG in 1982. John expects to travel back to PNG again early next year to provide more teaching and continue supporting eye care development.