5 facts contact lens and glasses wearers need to know

COVID-19 and contact lenses: the facts you need to know
A new peer-reviewed paper from five of the world’s most prominent ocular scientists reassures contact lens wearers during the global COVID-19 / coronavirus pandemic. We have assembled a series of evidence-based materials to help contact lens wearers, glasses wearers and eye care professionals understand the most important facts.
1. You Can Keep Wearing Contact Lenses.
is currently no scientific evidence that contact lens wearers have an increased risk of contracting COVID-19 compared with glasses wearers. Consult your eye care practitioner with questions.
2. Good Hygiene Habits are Critical.
Thorough handwashing and drying are essential, as well as properly wearing and caring for contact lenses, ensuring good contact lens case hygiene, and regularly cleaning glasses with soap and water. These habits can help you stay healthy and out of your doctor’s office or hospital.
3. Regular Eyeglasses / Spectacles Do Not Provide Protection.
No scientific evidence supports rumors that everyday glasses offer protection against COVID-19.
4. Keep Unwashed Hands Away from Your Face.
Whether you wear contact lenses, glasses or require no vision correction at all, avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes wit
h unwashed hands, consistent with World Health Organization (WHO) and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.
5. If you are ill, temporarily stop wearing your contacts and use your glasses instead.
Once you return to full health and have spoken with your eye doctor, you can start again. Make sure to use new contact lenses and a new lens case.